How to Build Team Culture in Remote Working Teams?
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How to Build Team Culture in Remote Working Teams?

Posted By Praveen Joshi

November 19th, 2021

How to Build Team Culture in Remote Working Teams?

The global pandemic and the resulting lockdown have forced most companies across the world to ask their employees to work from home. This step hasn’t gone down too well with a lot of companies, but it seems that there is no other alternative in front of us this time around. Whether you are a software development company in the UK or any other, remote working seems to be the only way to remain operational in these testing times. By doing this, we have been able to limit the damage as well. If you ask any company, those that offer software development services or those that deal in other products or services, they will all agree to the fact that this is an unusual challenge that they haven’t come across, ever.

Let us see how companies can remain productive and develop a positive work culture for their remote workers in these challenging times:

Use tools like Zoom to open doors to communication

These are never seen before times, so employers need to make sure that they provide their employees with every reason to believe that they are with them in this fight. It is not easy to work from home for this extended period. And we still don’t know for how long we will have to continue this. Some people may lose patience or may require people to talk to them and motivate them regularly. Regular video calls between teams are a great way to address his issue. Channels of communication through different tools should always remain open in these times.

Mentorship for junior team members

Freshers and people with very little experience can find this situation really tough to deal with. They need mentors to tell them that everything will be alright and that they are doing fine. Employers can run mentorship programs, asking experienced members of the team to guide junior team members through these tough times. Through these programs, experienced members can share their experiences and let their less experienced team members know about the things they do to deal with the stress that is common these days. They can also suggest ways to make their work from home more productive.

Organise team building-activities

There are several activities, which help in making team members know more about themselves, learn to communicate better with each other, improve coordination, and more. These activities have become more critical in these times as we need our team members not to feel the stress that comes out of working from home. There is already too much stress for everyone to deal with.

Appreciate and reward performers

A great way is to reward and recognise those who are doing exceptionally well. Acknowledging great performances not only boosts the morale of those that are doing well but also helps in building competitive spirit within a team. If you don’t recognise people’s efforts in these times, you will have demotivated people in your group who will not do too well for a team’s productivity. It could just be an appreciation email or a gift card or anything else to brighten up the day of one of your team members and make the rest worm harder.


Building a team culture in remote teams isn’t easy. However, with these steps, you will be able to motivate your employees to perform better. It will help your employees realise how much you value them and how important a part of your business you consider them.

Praveen Joshi

Praveen is a seasoned IT Solutions Leader and Director at RSK Business Solutions, a technology-driven IT Consulting Company that specializes in Bespoke Software Development, Agile Consulting, Mobile App Development, Smart Sourcing, and much more. For the last 17 years, he has been delivering quality custom IT solutions that help businesses achieve their goals.

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