Top 5 Hybrid App Development Frameworks in 2022
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Top 5 Hybrid App Development Frameworks in 2022

Posted By Praveen Joshi

September 30th, 2022



Top 5 Hybrid App Development Frameworks in 2022

The rapidly increasing popularity of Hybrid Applications is pushing Hybrid Mobile App Development to be more productive, fast, and efficient. For hybrid applications, developers once write the code for mobile apps and make it able to accommodate multiple platforms. This all becomes possible due to the addition of an extra layer between the source code and the target platform. The use of a Hybrid App Development Framework makes it easier for developers to create applications with better functionalities in a quicker time. It allows them to write the application’s core just like an HTML5 application and then put a native device wrapper around it. 

Let us get to know about the top 5 App Development Framework in 2022.

5 Best Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2022

There are numerous development frameworks out there that might help you to build Hybrid Mobile Applications. However, choosing the best among them depends on your information and discretion. The following section features the top 5 of such frameworks; you can choose the best suitable to your development needs.  

1. Ionic 

It is a powerful front-end Software Development Kit (SDK) that allows you to create hybrid mobile apps. Ionic enables you to build visually appealing applications by accessing an entire suite of tools. It is a framework written in JavaScript that also backs platforms like iOS 8+ and Android 4.1+. Furthermore, it allows integration with any JavaScript framework such as Vue, React, and Angular. 

Key features of the Ionic framework: 

  • Allows you to write the code once and run that code everywhere. 
  • It is easy to learn and implement within your development process. 
  • Offers versatile integration and a wide range of plugins to make your tasks easier. 
  • Makes the app testing process easy and convenient. 
  • Work on commonly known technologies. This saves a lot of time by eliminating the hassle and expense of hiring specific developers. 

2. Flutter  

Flutter is popularly known for its intelligent app development potential. It allows you to build natively compiled mobile apps using a single codebase. Flutter was released by Google in 2017 as a UI (User Interface) framework to help developers with building and deploying aesthetically pleasing mobile apps. It started off slow but gained immense popularity through the years. It is now a mobile SDK (Software Development Kit) with more reactive styles than any other such framework in the market.  

Key features of Flutter: 

  • Flutter supports hot reload that enables faster coding. 
  • It enables rapid processing that increases the time-to-market speed. 
  • Offers rich widgets that you can customize as well as create your own. 
  • Due to a single codebase, testing becomes easier and faster. 
  • Xamarin 

The Xamarin framework is an ideal platform to develop cross-platform applications. It has versatile functionalities with a wide range of tools to build applications for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone in C# with Visual Studio. Additionally, you can integrate it into the .NET platform and access the .NET ecosystem of packages and libraries. Microsoft as the owner of Xamarin provides continuous developer support and wide learning opportunities. 

Key features of Xamarin: 

  • You can share up to 90% of Xamarin’s codebase across major platforms. 
  • Hybrid mobile application developed on Xamarin gives almost native-like levels of performance.  
  • Provides access to a toolset for comprehensive mobile app development.  
  • Updates, testing, and maintenance are quite easy with the Xamarin framework. 
  • Also supports writing codes for IoT (Internet of Things), TVs, and wearables. 

3. React Native 

This framework has been showing exponential growth in gaining popularity among the Hybrid Mobile App Development community. This is because React Native allows you to build versatile applications for different platforms including iOS, Android, and the web. Also, it is a lot easier to share elements across platforms with the React Native framework. React Native sports a JavaScript-based interface with native APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). This allows the developers to write code in the original form as they do in Java or Swift. 

Key features of the React Native framework: 

  • It is an advanced framework as compared to all its contemporaries. 
  • Supports fast application development. 
  • Enables resource sharing across multiple platforms. 
  • With the help of React Native, you can get your development projects done by a comparatively lower number of team members. 
  • It has a simplified UI that aids the developers to build fast applications. 

5. Cordova 

Cordova is a hybrid mobile app development framework that allows developers to build applications that run natively without a browser. It was previously known as PhoneGap. You can build apps using common technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which can use in-device features such as accelerometer access and camera access. Cordova is a proven option for developing applications that work on multiple mobile platforms at once using a single codebase.  

Key features of Cordova: 

  • Also ideal for creating Android apps. 
  • Offers a wide range of plugins for efficient development. 
  • Cordova has diverse options for tabs, toggle buttons, reorderable lists, etc. to offer. 
  • Provides familiar command-line syntax. 
  • It enables faster development cycles. 

So, these were the top 5 Hybrid App Development Framework in 2022. Each one of them has its utility. Most of these frameworks are used by top organizations associated with the Software Development UK and all over the world. As you are now aware of the key features of these frameworks. It might be easier for you to choose the best suitable option for your business needs. 

All the best! 

Hope the information in the blog was helpful.

Praveen Joshi

Praveen is a seasoned IT Solutions Leader and Director at RSK Business Solutions, a technology-driven IT Consulting Company that specializes in Bespoke Software Development, Agile Consulting, Mobile App Development, Smart Sourcing, and much more. For the last 17 years, he has been delivering quality custom IT solutions that help businesses achieve their goals.

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