Enviro-Suite: Legal Register Portal

Developing a bespoke legislation portal to minimise the time and effort spent on identifying and maintaining legal and safety regulations.

Enviro-Suite: Legal Register Portal Enviro-Suite: Legal Register Portal

Project Scope

When assessing the Environment, Health and Safety requirements of your business, the most daunting and time-consuming task is searching through legislation to identify what is relevant to your projects. However, it is imperative that this task is done well to ensure your business is legally compliant and safe.

To curtail time and confusion spent on searching through legislation and legal documents, RSK Business Solutions have developed an online legal portal to present client-applicable legal information coherently, concisely and comprehensibly.

Methodologies Used

Since 2008, RSK Business Solutions has been working with RSK’s Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) specialists to convert in-depth safety legislation knowledge into a fully bespoke Legal Register Portal. The tool provides clients with a comprehensive, yet manageable, list of legislation relevant to them, in the form of an interactive, customisable online register.

Our EHS team works with clients to review their business and projects and identify the legislation relevant to them. We then provide an up-to-date register covering only these applicable legal guidelines.

Within a register, legislation entries come with an editable ‘relevance and compliance’ section. Using this, a client is able to explain how these regulations are directly applicable to their business. They can insert hyperlinks, references to internal procedures and details of compliance, for example, to ensure their register is fully tailored. They can then use the register to mitigate any legal non-compliance and health and safety dangers.

Final Deliverable

The Legal Register Portal is used by over 15 corporations including MACE, Islabikes and BMW.

The Legal Register Portal is used by over 15 corporations including MACE, Islabikes and BMW.

Since 2012, MACE has found the tool “comprehensive and invaluable” to their business needs, it helps them “translate complex legislation into sector-specific and easy-to-understand guidance” for their teams.

In addition to the initial configuration of the register, RSK works closely with clients to provide periodic reviews to ensure the legislation is always current.

We also develop registers for countries outside the UK, including the Netherlands and the Republic of Ireland.


‘MACE have been using the RSK legal support service at a corporate and site level since early 2012 and find their service comprehensive and invaluable for our business needs. RSK help to translate complex legislation into sector specific and easy to understand guidance for our teams.’

Andrew Kinsey, Head of Sustainability, Construction – MACE Ltd


‘MACE commissioned RSK to develop and implement of our NAVIGATE system, a comprehensive environmental risk and compliance solution used on all our UK projects. This web-based system guides our teams through environmental aspects and impacts identification specific to design, construction and completion of construction and infrastructure projects, with linked legislative compliance support.’

Andrew Kinsey, Head of Sustainability, Construction – MACE Ltd


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Contact: +44(0) 1732 833111


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Contact: +971 (0)4 454 9844


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